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Developed to be more than a catchy mantra,
"Safety. Reliability. Service." -  a bold and unyielding statement representing who we are not only as a company, but in our passions, strengths, and commitment towards our clients and each category - PERIOD.

Safety. Reliability. Service.
Edge Combustion provides product sales, field service, and engineering to industrial customers operating thermal processing equipment powered by fuels.

We support industrial burners, burner management systems, safety and control devices, and all related aspects of the industrial heat processing industry.

Examples of the equipment we support; ovens, furnaces, kilns, thermal fluid heaters, calciners, dryers, heated wash tanks, and similar equipment.

Additional offerings: NFPA annual and semi-annual inspections, preventative / proactive maintenance programs, burner upgrades, burner management system upgrades, and construction of specialized assemblies such as warming or curing mobile equipment.

We work closely with our partners in the related fields of refractory, metal fabrication, and pipe welding / installation, and can provide collaborative support or references.
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